

Poster of the band Laibach

Donor: Marija Peternel
1963 / Nis / Cultural manager /

Donors' place of residence during the 1990s: Srbija i Nemacka (6 meseci)

Object title: Poster of the band Laibach

Place that the object relates to: Niš

Year that the object relates to: 1992

Question:What does this object represent for you?
Answer: The poster was purchased in 1992. in Frankfurt at the concert of "Laibach". A moment of realization that I had lost the country where I was born. Symbolically represents the country where I was born and I had lost, and the search for new ....

Question:Why did you donate the object?
Answer: Because its were it belongs and younger generations will see it, the ones that don't know much about that part of our history.
