

Zmajeve novine newspaper

Donor: Jelena Veljković
1983 / Vranje / Art Historian /

Donors' place of residence during the 1990s: Vranje

Object title: Zmajeve novine newspaper

Place that the object relates to: Vranje

Year that the object relates to: 1997

Question:What does this object represent for you?
Answer: Remembering the days of elementary school.

Overview of all those interests and topics that were occupying us in 1997, as well as the value system that we have adopted from our teachers, which 16 years later showed to be anachronistic and inapplicable. The magazine was founded on the initiative and dedication of my at the time best friend, our friends and some professors. After completing primary school, no one bothered to continue to keep the pupil's magazine.

Question:Why did you donate the object?
Answer: Newspapers show a whole climate, values​​, interests of valedictorians of 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 as well as their views that are thrown into the future.
